Tiger Clothes

Tiger has been a tiger for Halloween 5 out of his 6 Halloweens. He was a pumpkin the first time, and honestly didn't seem too happy about it. In retrospect, I think I should not dress my children as food. Anyway, his tiger costume is getting small, he is getting big and I need to make him a new one. He wears this costume all the time. I don't know why. Maybe he likes being the tiger. I looked and looked for a good tiger costume to fit him now, but they were either cheap and flimsy or nice and way, way overpriced!
The rest of the time Tiger prefers to be naked, or half naked. (No pants.) He likes to change clothes through out the day. He likes to wear evryone else's clothes too. Even his little sister's clothes aren't safe! So he walks around in skin tight jeans and highwaters. He really is too much fun sometimes!
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